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  • Writer's pictureCayley Alexander


Hello there,

It has been some time since my last blog post, and there's a few things to catch you up on. Last time we spoke was after the Hear&Now festival in Whistler, BC, Canada. Unfortunately I wasn't able to play that day due to a debilitating headache and it took me a while to recover... It's such a shame when stuff like that happens and you miss an opportunity to get yourself out there because of something you have no control over, really. But like I said before, when stuff like that happens I always use it as a reminder for self-care and a way to reset and realign with myself.

Lately I have been doing a lot of that. I was stumped a little while ago as an artist, wondering how I could become more involved in my community, and meet like-minded people who are being creative in my hometown. So..., I volunteered some of my time for our local non-profit Arts Whistler, which got my foot in the door to do some more work for them and allowed me to build a relationship with lots of people working in the arts in Whistler. It opened a door into workshops supported by Arts Whistler a few that I loved and am really excited about!

Arts:U was truly a unique experience that I am so great-full for. With acclaimed guest speakers among the likes of: Beverley Elliot, Monique Hurteau & Lorne Cardinal, Joanne Setterington, Jess Robson and even more industry professionals, I would have needed a clone to attend all the workshops available. With words of insight, wisdom, encouragement and inspiration each one of the speakers swept me off my feet and left me feeling unstoppable in my creative path.

Jess Robson's message came across loud n' clear. She specializes in words as a copyright and helps artist with the (oh so embarrassing) task of self-promotion, which seems to come to some naturally and to others so awkwardly. I lean towards the more awkward side of things when it comes to self-expression so I really took a lot from what Jess had to say. I'm super stoked that others felt the same way, because she's coming back to Arts Whistler, March 28th for her own workshop on words!

I can't wait to work on words of self-expression and promotion with Jess! I think one of the most helpful lessons that I learned from my day at Arts:U was to never stop learning, or creating. Take baby steps towards the big picture and break down giant steps into manageable tasks. Diversify and collaborate!

I'm excited to be able to implement everything that I've learned thus far into my music career and my life!

Thank you for your support and stay tuned in for more!

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